2023-01-25: News Headlines

Staff (2023-01-25). Presidente cubano se reúne en Argentina con sus homólogos de Brasil y Honduras. cubadebate.cu El presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, se reunió hoy con sus homólogos de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, y de Honduras, Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, en el contexto de la VII Cumbre de jefes de Estado y Gobierno de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac), que sesionó este martes en la capital argentina, Buenos Aires.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-01-25). Presidenta de Honduras: la Celac es más necesaria que nunca. telesurtv.net "Solo unidos nos podemos blindar del neofascismo", expuso Xiomara Castro.

teleSUR, MER (2023-01-25). Nicaragua reitera importancia de la unidad regional. telesurtv.net El Gobierno de Nicaragua aseveró que se suman a "todo lo que proponga unidad para triunfar sobre los que siempre han usado las armas de división".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-01-25). Costa Rica confirma tres casos de influenza aviar. telesurtv.net Se trata de pelícanos silvestres encontrados en playa Cocles, en Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, provincia de Limón.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-01-25). México pide respetar la independencia de los países. telesurtv.net El presidente ratificó su solidaridad con su homólogo brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva y el pueblo de esa nación, ante el intento de golpe de Estado.

_____ (2023-01-24). The Winter Coup Season In Latin America. popularresistance.org Coup attempts have gone viral this winter season in Latin America. The contagion spread first to Argentina, then Peru, and finally Brazil on January 8. In addition, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua continue to suffer from long-term US regime-change efforts. | Coverage of this political pandemic by the US liberal press (i.e., the preponderance of mainstream media that endorse a Democrat for the presidency) reflects politically motivated agendas. Its spin on Brazil in particular reflects a trend among Democrats to greater acceptance of the security state. | Current vice-president and former president of Argentina, Cr…

Barry Sheppard (2023-01-24). United States: Biden expands Trump-era policy in new attack on migrants. greenleft.org.au United States President Joe Biden has announced a dramatic expansion of restrictions on people from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti seeking asylum at the US border with Mexico, writes Barry Sheppard.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-01-24). Nicaragua Stands Out in Latin America With Its Lower Poverty Rate. orinocotribune.com On today's broadcast of Estudio TN8, we talk about how Nicaragua stands out in Latin America in terms of its poverty reduction with economist Frank Matus and sociologist and political analyst Freddy Franco. | Frank Matus: Within Latin America, Nicaragua is among the countries that has best managed to reduce its poverty rate. In 2007, Nicaragua's poverty rate was at 48.3%. After the transition to a Sandinista government, this percentage has been steadily reduced and currently is at 24.9%. | Estudio TN8: How was this possible? | Freddy Franco: I think the key was the arrival of the FSLN government, which proposed a…

Staff (2023-01-24). La Celac es una obra de todos, fortalecerla es una necesidad impostergable (+ Video). cubadebate.cu La Celac es una obra de todos. Fortalecerla constituye una necesidad impostergable y un deber compartido para lograr la unidad e integración de lo que Martí llamó Nuestra América. Cuba ha ratificado reiteradamente, pero no sobra decirlo hoy, el apoyo y la más firme solidaridad con los legítimos gobiernos de Venezuela, Nicaragua y Bolivia, sometidos a persistentes intentos de desestabilización.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-01-24). Disminuye actividad sísmica en Ahuachapán, El Salvador. telesurtv.net Además de los dos sismos de magnitud superior a 5, el ente salvadoreño comunicó que se han contabilizado 257 eventos.

Roselena Ramirez (2023-01-24). A Dangerous Drive for a Better Life. america.cgtn.com It was a tragic end for 53 migrants who died inside a poorly ventilated truck outside San Antonio, Texas. While two men have been indicted for those deaths, the wounds in their communities are still open. Harris Withbeck reports from Central Guatemala, where many victims …

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-01-24). Expresidente de Guatemala àÅlvaro Colom muere a los 71 años. telesurtv.net El ex mandatario padecía desde hace varios años de cáncer de esófago, el cual fue dado a conocer en diciembre de 2020.

americanthinker (2023-01-24). Shutting down some greenie madness, Mexico does us a favor. americanthinker.com A nutty scheme to seed the air with sulfur dioxide to cool the atmosphere has been stomped on by Mexico's big green footprint.

Bertrand Laurent (2023-01-24). Is a Winning Solution in Sight in Haiti? fpif.org The problems that simmer beneath the surface in Haiti rarely make it into the news. Only a few events occasionally bubble to the surface, like the thousands of migrants who suddenly showed up at the U.S.-Mexico border in September 2021, followed by the kidnapping of a group of missionaries and their dramatic escape several months later. Gangs physically control more than 60 percent of the capital city and all of Haiti's major highways. They are holding the country hostage and choking economic life for all, whether through kidnapping ransoms, bribes to corrupt police and officials, illegal fees, or outright murder…

Franc Contreras (2023-01-24). Mexico welcomes the Spring Festival. america.cgtn.com Mexico is welcoming China's Spring Festival— the Year of the Rabbit.

Roselena Ramirez (2023-01-24). The Beauty of Mexico's Copper Canyon Keeps Attracting Foreign Tourists. america.cgtn.com Deeper and broader than the world-famous Grand Canyon, the hills of northwestern Mexico are also home to some of the most charismatic and fiercely independent tribes in North America. They are the Raramuris, or Tarahumaras, as they are known. Alasdair Baverstock visited the area to …

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-01-24). Panamá registra 789 nuevos contagios de Covid-19 en una semana. telesurtv.net Panamá acumula un total de 1.029.061 casos confirmados de la enfermedad, mientras que la cifra de decesos aumentó a 8.594.

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