2020-10-23: News Headlines

_____ (2020-10-22). Migrant Parents Separated From Their Kids Still Can't Be Found. popularresistance.org Lawyers tasked with identifying and reuniting families separated in 2017 and 2018 under the Trump administration's so-called "zero tolerance" border policy say they still haven't been able to locate the parents of at least 545 migrant children, according to a Tuesday court filing from the American Civil Liberties Union. | A majority of these parents — "approximately two-thirds," the filing said — are believed to have been deported to Central America without their children, some of whom were "just babies" at the time of the separation, ACLU attorney Lee Gelernt told CNN this week.

Peoples Dispatch (2020-10-22). Protests against government's economic plan continue in Costa Rica. peoplesdispatch.org Since September 30, Costa Ricans have been mobilizing in rejection of the government's possible deal with the IMF, which will force the government to implement a number of austerity measures…

Carmen Rodríguez (2020-10-21). Guilty Verdict in the Massacre of Jesuits Marks a "Milestone of Justice" for El Salvador. counterpunch.org Inocente Montano, a former deputy defense minister of El Salvador, retired military man, and ex-member of one of the bloodiest commando units operating during that Central American country's civil war of the 1980s, has become the first Salvadoran convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity. "The conviction marks a milestone of justice in the

commondreams (2020-10-21). Lawsuit Challenges Inadequate Federal Review of Endangered Species in Gulf of Mexico. commondreams.org ______________________________…

Al Neal (2020-10-20). Supreme Court to review 'Remain in Mexico' policy; migrants face terror-filled wait. peoplesworld.org For asylum seekers and refugees forced to stay in Mexico as their requests to enter the United States enter procedural limbo, their lives are minimized to being political and legal ping-pong balls, going back and forth over the new (incomplete) border wall with every court ruling or Trump administration executive order. On Monday, Oct. 19, …