2020-10-27: News Headlines

news.un (2020-10-27). Tanzania: UN chief calls for safe, peaceful voting process. news.un.org The UN Secretary-General has called on everyone involve inTanzania's political process to ensure that Wednesday's general elections are held in a safe, inclusive and peaceful manner, amid reports of intimidation and harassment of political opponents, journalists and activists.

_____ (2020-10-27). Republicans and Democrats Will Never Deliver Peace. strategic-culture.org The Libertarian Party presidential candidate makes her case for why a third party is needed to bring the troops home. | Jo JORGENSEN | The 2016 Republican presidential primary debates revealed a sea change. From 2008 to 2012, then-congressman Ron Paul was routinely booed for his criticism of America's foreign policy. It was even common to hear Republican office holders, commentators, and activists say they "agreed with Ron Paul on everything but foreign policy." Yet in 2016, candidate Donald Trump was cheered for calling the Iraq war the biggest blunder in American history. | One would have thought Trump's victor…

Nadda Osman (2020-10-27). Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul begins new hunger strike. middleeasteye.net Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul begins new hunger strike | Jailed women's rights campaigner protesting against restrictions on contact with her family, her sisters say | Tue, 10/27/2020 – 11: 57 | Al-Hathloul's family have expressed concern for her as she starts a hunger strike for a second time (Reuters) | Jailed Saudi women's rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul has gone on hunger strike, her family…

news.un (2020-10-27). Tanzania: UN chief calls for safe, peaceful elections. news.un.org The UN Secretary-General has called on everyone involve inTanzania's political process to ensure that Wednesday's general elections are held in a safe, inclusive and peaceful manner, amid reports of intimidation and harassment of political opponents, journalists and activists.

Paul Antonopoulos (2020-10-27). Israel Chooses to Normalize Relations with Countries Which Have Directly Supported Terrorism. globalresearch.ca A new agreement of enormous importance to the Middle East has followed Israel's peace deals with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates — the normalization of relations between Israel and Sudan. The agreement marks a new direction in Israel's normalization …

Mark Devlin (2020-10-27). Video: Stand Up, Say No to "New Normal". Leeds Protest Speech by Mark Devlin. globalresearch.ca Here's my speech to the crowd in attendance at the Stand Up X protest event in Millennium Square, Leeds, on Sunday 18th October 2020. (I would have said 'peaceful protest,' but the order-following thug police saw to it that things …

Mehr News Agency (2020-10-27). Muslims not to bear any insults to Prophet of Mercy. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 27 (MNA) — Iran Embassy in Moscow stated that Muslims will never allow enemies of Islam to reach their evil goals through insulting the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who's the messenger of love and peace.

Communist Party USA (2020-10-27). CPUSA: Electoral uprising shatters records, signals possible democratic breakthrough. peoplesworld.org The popular chant, "This is what democracy looks like!" can mean many things: people hitting the streets, getting arrested in peaceful protest, organizing themselves into unions, lobbying their elected officials, and yes, even the "simple" act of voting. The yearning for more democracy is reflected in what can only be described as an electoral upsurge that's …

South Front (2020-10-27). Video: Nobody Believes in Peace. Azerbaijan Attacks Armenian Forces Despite US-sponsored Ceasefire. globalresearch.ca As of October 26, Azerbaijan and Turkey kept their operational initiative in the war with Armenia in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region. Their forces continue developing their offensive in southern Karabakh by trying to remove Armenian forces from of the Lachin …

yenisafak (2020-10-27). Israeli football fans share songs insulting Prophet Muhammad. yenisafak.com Israeli football fans shared songs containing insulting phrases of the Prophet Muhammad on YouTube, according to Arab member of Knesset (Israel's parliament) Ayman Odeh. | Odeh said, "Fans of the [Beitar Jerusalem] football club recently published on YouTube offensive songs of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him." | He added the songs have recently begun to gain "popularity with the rise in Islamophobic incitement in the world." | He demanded internet giant Google, which owns YouTube, to delete the offensive songs. | The songs come in conjunction with increasing Islamophobia in France manifested in the public…

yenisafak (2020-10-27). Somalis join calls for boycott of French products. yenisafak.com Calls are growing in the Muslim world to boycott French goods in protest of President Emmanuel Macron's controversial plans to crack down on "Islamist separatism," and continue publishing blasphemous cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.While trade groups and netizens in many nations have announced their boycott of French products, young Somalis have also joined the campaign."…Someone must tell us how we can boycott France while being in Somalia… No human rights and religious freedom in France," tweeted Abdikarim Hussein. Some users in the East African country asked Muslim African football players to reconsider t…

Staff (2020-10-27). Protests Rise in Philly After Police Murder Black Man Amid Mental Health Crisis. truthout.org Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—West Philly saw a quickly escalating situation develop on 4 p.m. Monday afternoon and dragging into the evening and overnight. In a graphic and disturbing video circulating on social media, two white Philadelphia Police (PPD) officers are seen repeatedly shooting a Black man in front of his mother from several feet away as he walked while holding a knife. Neither of the two officers in the video seemed to attempt to use their taser, and they appeared to hav…

Michael Otto (2020-10-27). After 2019 'Great Uprising,' the struggle continues in Ecuador. workers.org Ibarra, Ecuador October 23 — Ecuador's regime mobilized all 47,000 national police to repress massive worker-student demonstrations in Quito, the capital, and 17 provinces of the country on Oct. 22. Trans demonstrators lead Oct. 22 protest in Quito. Is a new uprising ahead? Only four days earlier, the government of . . . |

Julia Kassem (2020-10-27). One Year after the Lebanese Protests. counterpunch.org A year after Lebanese ex-Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned amidst anti-government protests that sparked out of IMF austerity measures, the Lebanese government surprisingly is renewing talks to bring him back to the very position that, in his tenure, engendered years of popular frustration over corruption, privatization, and economic and political instability in the first place.

Staff (2020-10-27). "Movements Are Not Just About Protests": BLM Co-Founder Alicia Garza on How to Build & Wield Power. democracynow.org In her new book, "The Purpose of Power," Black Lives Matter co-creator Alicia Garza lays out how people can build power and effect change. "Movements are not just about protests," she says. "Movements are absolutely about how we get more power into the hands of more people."

Jim McMahan (2020-10-27). March for missing and murdered Indigenous people and their families. workers.org Seattle On Oct. 24, 200 people marched through downtown Seattle to demand "Justice for Renee Davis and baby Massi." The Indigenous-led march marked the fourth year since Davis of the Muckleshoot Nation was murdered by King County sheriffs on the Muckleshoot Reservation near Seattle. Justice for Renee Davis protest. The multinational . . . |

yenisafak (2020-10-27). Palestinians protest French insults against Islam. yenisafak.com Hundreds of Palestinians staged a protest in the town of al-Ram in Jerusalem on Tuesday against French President Emmanuel Macron's insulting statements of Islam and Prophet Muhammad. | Protesters waved banners and chanted slogans defending the Prophet against the French insults, according to eyewitnesses. | Macron has sparked outrage across the Muslim world by accusing Muslims of "separatism" and describing Islam as a "a religion in crisis all over the world". | This coincided with a provocative move by Charlie Hebdo, a left-wing French magazine infamous for publishing anti-Islamic caricatures, which have drawn w…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2020-10-27). Mass Rebellion in Nigeria: #EndSARS Protests Met with State Repression and Police Brutality. globalresearch.ca A series of incidents involving the notorious Special Anti-Robbery Squad police unit (SARS) in the Federal Republic of Nigeria has brought to the surface underlying societal contradictions which have been simmering for many years. | This year represents the 60th…

yenisafak (2020-10-27). France business group unapologetic amid boycott calls. yenisafak.com France's largest business group on Monday backed the country's president amid his controversial claims about Islam, despite widespread protests and boycott calls in Muslim countries.In an interview with the private RMC Radio, the chairman of France's largest employer's union, MEDEF, characterized the international backlash to Emmanuel Macron's comments as "blackmail.""We must put our principles before the possibility of developing our business," said Geoffroy Roux de Bezieu, urging companies not to buckle under a boycott on French goods.His comments came after a recent announcement by Macron on his controversial…

MEE and agencies (2020-10-27). Saudi Arabia condemns conflation of 'Islam with terrorism' amid regional anti-France protests. middleeasteye.net Saudi Arabia condemns conflation of 'Islam with terrorism' amid regional anti-France protests | Riyadh did not comment on growing calls for a boycott of French goods in the Middle East after Paris had defended caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad | Tue, 10/27/2020 – 10: 45 | Palestinians burn a picture of French President Emmanuel Macron in Gaza City during a protest on 27 October 2020 (Reu…

yenisafak (2020-10-27). Sudan says legislature must OK normalization with Israel. yenisafak.com The head of Sudan's Transitional Sovereignty Council said Monday that full normalization with Israel would not be implemented until a legislative council is formed.Speaking in an interview on state television, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan stressed that the deal was yet to be finalized and may be beneficial for the country as it grapples with a severe economic crisis."Let me call it reconciliation instead of normalization and let me also confirm that we didn't face any kind of blackmailing to normalize with Israel. But we all know that normalization with Israel is something that is motivated by the American administrati…

SNS (2020-10-27). Premature Deaths,Profiteering, Abuse: US Nursing And Assisted Living. indybay.org Unnecessary deaths, abuse, neglect, excess profiteering, conflict of interest, substandard food, constant noise, theft, | denial of civil liberties… some of the hazards of the warehousing of seniors in assisted living and nursing home facilities…

Staff (2020-10-27). Nuclear Weapons Will Soon Be Banned Under International Law. truthout.org Nuclear weapons will soon be illegal under international law. Seventy-five years to the day after the founding of the United Nations, the UN The milestone was achieved after years of global efforts spearheaded by the

Mehr News Agency (2020-10-27). Iran records highest COVID-19 daily death toll again. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 27 (MNA) — Deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in Iran hit a high record on Tuesday as 346 new deaths were registered over the past 24 hours, the highest since the virus outbreak in the country.

John W. Whitehead (2020-10-27). Something Wicked this Way Comes: Anarchy Is Being Loosed Upon the Nation. globalresearch.ca "Every day I ask myself the same question:

Mehr News Agency (2020-10-27). De Cine Invisible FilmFest. appreciates Iranian short 'Horn'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 27 (MNA) — Iranian short film 'Horn' directed by Ghasideh Golmakani have been appreciated at the 12th edition of the Festival Internacional De Cine Invisible Film in Spain.

Katrina vanden Heuvel (2020-10-27). Any True Recovery Must Include US Workers. thenation.com Any True Recovery Must Include US Workers…

WSWS (2020-10-27). Automation drive accelerates in meatpacking industry in response to coronavirus pandemic. wsws.org The drive for automation no doubt has the potential to free workers from laborious and life-threatening tasks, particularly during a pandemic, but the result of automation under capitalism is to increase the exploitation of workers through layoffs, speedup and wage cuts.

Amr Emam (2020-10-27). Macron's anti-Islam remarks give rise to France boycott campaign in Egypt. middleeasteye.net Macron's anti-Islam remarks give rise to France boycott campaign in Egypt | Calls for boycotting French goods find support and opposition in Egypt, one of France's main strategic allies in the region | Tue, 10/27/2020 – 11: 44 | Workers at an Egyptian supermarket chain remove French products from shelves, 24 October 2020 (Facebook) | A major supermarket chain in Egypt has taken French goods off its shelves in res…

Dennis Riches (2020-10-27). Unenforceable Nuclear Ban Treaty to Become International Law. globalresearch.ca On October 24, 2020, the United Nations announced that 50 countries had ratified the treaty to ban nuclear weapons. Passing this threshold means that the treaty will become international law within ninety days. The next day, the people who worked …

Sarah Anderson (2020-10-27). The Trump Tax Reform Helped the Billionaire Class, Not the Working Class. counterpunch.org "We gave you the greatest, biggest tax cut in history!" crowed President Trump at a recent rally in Prescott, Arizona. If that rally crowd had been packed with billionaires, they would've had good reason to applaud. But for ordinary working families, the 2017 Republican tax law is nothing to cheer about. Trump's tax cuts for

Makia Freeman (2020-10-27). US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Study Refutes Official Covid-Sars-2 Narrative. globalresearch.ca CDC (Center for Disease Control) scientists made some COVID admissions that totally destroy the official COVID narrative in a study published in June 2020 entitled

Dr. Bruce Scott (2020-10-27). The Cult of the Brave New Normal. globalresearch.ca In March, it was just a three-week lockdown, to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the NHS. The narrative has quickly evolved. It has progressed from what seemed a reasonable idea of keeping NHS bed space free based …

yenisafak (2020-10-27). Turkey denounces killing of French teacher. yenisafak.com Turkey's presidential spokesman on Monday condemned the brutal murder of French teacher Samuel Paty."We strongly condemn the murder of Samuel Paty in France and reject this barbarism. There is nothing legitimate about this murder," Ibrahim Kalin wrote on Twitter.He said those who insult Prophet Muhammad fail to understand the love and reverence Muslims feel for him.However, he said: "To become monstrous while fighting evil is the worst disaster."Samuel Paty, 47, who taught history and geography at Bois-d'Aulne College in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, was brutally murdered by Abdullakh Anzorov, an 18-year-old of Chech…

Rep. Ron Paul (2020-10-27). 'Iraq War Diaries' at Ten Years: Truth Is Treason. globalresearch.ca The purpose of journalism is to uncover truth — especially uncomfortable truth — and to publish it for the benefit of society. In a free society, we must be informed of the criminal acts carried out by governments in the …

Kuehn BM. (2020-10-27). Shifting Hydroxychloroquine Patterns Raise Concern. jamanetwork.com The number of hydroxychloroquine prescriptions by specialists who don't typically prescribe the drug skyrocketed after preliminary reports in March suggested potential benefits for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Juan Cole (2020-10-27). Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, incites warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia. zcomm.org Trump is much more terrifying, if equally cartoonish…

yenisafak (2020-10-27). Two die as migrant boat capsizes off northern France. yenisafak.com A major rescue operation is underway in northern France Tuesday after a boat carrying 20 migrants capsized off the coast of Loon-Plage.According to reporting by daily Voice of the North, two people have died, including a child. Another 15 people have been rescued, with eight of them experiencing hypothermia and two are in cardiac arrest. Three people remain missing.Firefighters and emergency medical services have been deployed to the scene, on both the docks and into the Channel, along with French Navy helicopters.Loon-Plage lies to the west of the town of Dunkirk on the northern coast.

RT (2020-10-27). WATCH moment Philly officer is mowed down by speeding truck during riots caught on livestream. rt.com Philadelphia has seen a spree of violence in the wake of the shooting of a black man by police. In one incident a speeding truck hit an officer who was holding a line in a riot-hit West Philly neighborhood. | The footage, which was livestreamed, shows a group of police officers wearing helmets and forming a line at 52nd and Walnut Street. Then there's a commotion, and a large black truck makes a turn at high speed, apparently hitting one of the cops in the process. | WARNING: DISTURBING VIDEO | #Philly Philadelphia, PA (clipped from @after_t…

Staff (2020-10-27). Headlines for October 27, 2020. democracynow.org Amy Coney Barrett Sworn In, Giving SCOTUS Heavy Conservative Majority Ahead of Pivotal Cases, SCOTUS Rules Wisconsin Cannot Count Ballots Received After Election Day, Surging COVID-19 Cases Trigger Curfews; Doctors Say 800,000 Children Have Been Infected, China Testing 5 Million People After One Asymptomatic Case in Xinjiang, New Lockdowns in Germany, Mask Orders in Russia as COVID-19 Cases Surge, Oxford Vaccine Shows Promising Results as New Data Suggests Antibodies in Recovered Cases Don't Last, U.S. Imposes Harsh New Sanctions on Iranian Oil, Airstrikes Kill Dozens at Training Camp in Idlib, Syria, Explosion a…

Mehr News Agency (2020-10-27). Iranian amb. submits credential to Zimbabwean president. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 27 (MNA) — Iran's new ambassador to Harare submitted his credentials to Zimbabwean President Emerson Mnangagwa.

yenisafak (2020-10-27). Rebel minister shot dead in Yemen. yenisafak.com Minister of Youth and Sport in the unrecognized Houthi government, Hasan Zeid, was gunned down in the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Tuesday, according to a rebel official. | Unidentified gunmen opened fire on Zeid in Hadda district in central Sanaa, Osama Sari, the undersecretary of the so-called Youth and Sport Ministry, said in a statement. | He said Zeid, 66, was transferred to hospital where he was pronounced dead. | There was no claim of responsibility for the attack. | Yemen has been beset by violence and chaos since 2014, when Houthi rebels overran much of the country, including Sanaa. The crisis escalated in 20…

yenisafak (2020-10-27). US relief bill talks hit wall over COVID-19 differences. yenisafak.com The much-anticipated $2.2 trillion US relief bill negotiations between Democrats and Republicans have hit a wall on Monday amid party differences for nationwide testing plans against COVID-19.US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi continued her weeks-long talks with White House top negotiator Steven Mnuchin on the stimulus package, but released a letter with a harsh tone criticizing the Republicans."The Republicans' continued surrender to the virus — particularly amid the recent wave of cases — is official malfeasance," the top Democrat wrote in the letter."Unless we have a national plan for testing,…

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2020-10-27). China: The Upcoming Global Superpower. globalresearch.ca Despite its large population of 1.5 billion which many have considered as an impediment, China's domestic economic reforms and collaborative strategic diplomacy with external countries have made it attain superpower status over the United States. While United States influence is …

Valderrábano M, Peterson LE, Swarup V, et al. (2020-10-27). Effect of Catheter Ablation With vs Without Vein of Marshall Ethanol Infusion on Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. jamanetwork.com This randomized trial compares the effect of transcatheter pulmonary vein isolation during catheter ablation with vs without ethanol infusion into the vein of Marshall, an embryologic remnant of the left superior vena cava implicated in atrial fibrillation pathogenesis, on freedom from atrial arrhythmia at 12 months.

news.un (2020-10-27). Yemeni children suffer record rates of acute malnutrition, putting 'entire generation' at risk. news.un.org Yemeni children are suffering acute malnutrition at unprecedented rates as the world's worst humanitarian crisis grinds on and funding falls far short of what is needed to offset the effects of conflict and‚ÄØ economic collapse, UN agencies said in a statement on Tuesday.

Russell Mokhiber (2020-10-27). NPR and the Corporate Criminal Element. counterpunch.org Ever wonder why you rarely hear serious discussion on National Public Radio (NPR) about corporate crime and violence? For a hint as to why, pick up the most recent NPR annual report, and flip through the listing of corporate criminals and other major recidivist law violators on the corporate sponsor page. ExxonMobil (guilty plea Exxon

Kuehn BM. (2020-10-27). Health Care Worker SARS-CoV-2 Infection Is Flying Under the Radar. jamanetwork.com A high percentage of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections among health care workers appear to go undetected, often because they have mild or no symptoms and workplace testing isn't sufficient, investigators from a multistate hospital network reported.

Pepe Escobar (2020-10-27). China Is "Not Interested in War, but in Trade and Development, Both Internal and with Foreign Partners.": Pepe Escobar. globalresearch.ca China's ping-pong team invited members of the US team to China on April 6, 1971, and the momentum was begun to establish warm relations between the two nations. However, during the current Trump administration, we have seen the relationship drop …

Editor (2020-10-27). Lost children — and the U.S. empire. workers.org The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has had to reveal that it "lost track" of the families of 545 children forcibly separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border. The migrant children are still suffering, alone and parentless, in the U.S. An Oct. 21 court filing by the American Civil . . . |