2020-11-13: News Headlines

Stephen Lendman (2020-11-12). Extrajudicial Regime Change: The American Way at Home and Abroad. globalresearch.ca US imperialism operates domestically and abroad. | Regime change is official policy by both wings of one-party rule. | Things began in the mid-19th century by stealing half of Mexico. | Throughout…

teleSUR (2020-11-12). US Border Smugglers Benefit From Pandemic Border Policy. telesurenglish.net U.S. President Donald Trump's administration in March announced that it would begin to quickly expel nearly all migrants caught at the border under the authority of an existing federal public health act, known as Title 42, saying the move was necessary to prevent coronavirus from spreading into the United States. | But the order appears to be having unintended effects. | RELATED: | Previously, Central American mi…

teleSUR (2020-11-12). Belize's Opposition Leader John Briceño Wins Election. telesurenglish.net Opposition People's United Party (PUP) leader John Briceño Thursday will be sworn as Belize's Prime Minister after romping to victory in the country's general elections that took place on November 11, 2020. | RELATED: | On Wednesday, Briceno became the fifth Prime Minister to take office in Belize since independence in 1981. The PUP also reached 26 of the 31 Parliament seats. | Patrick Faber, leader of the former ruling moveme…

teleSUR (2020-11-12). AMLO To Regulate Outsourcing Despite Private Sector Refusal. telesurenglish.net Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented a bill to regulate outsourcing on Thursday, which aims to prevent abuses carried out by employers through this hiring mechanism. | RELATED: | The bill will regulate the outsourcing of staff, specialized services, and employment agencies. The measure will heavily impact the private sector as it is estimated that over 4.6 million workers are hired via outsourcing. | O…

Peoples Dispatch (2020-11-12). Mexico police shoots at anti-femicide protest in Cancún. peoplesdispatch.org On November 9, Mexico's police open fired at a protest against femicides in Cancún. Three reporters were injured because of police violence, one of them suffering bullet wounds. The latest femicide was that of 20-year old Bianca "Alexis" Lorenzana whose dismembered body was found days after she disappeared.

teleSUR (2020-11-12). Joy Marks Evo's Return To Bolivia. telesurenglish.net In a commemorative caravan, Evo Morales began his trip back to Bolivia through the border crossing point La Quiaca in the Argentinean province of Jujuy where Argentina's President Alberto Fernandez warmly bade him farewell. | RELATED: | "A month ago I arrived in Mexico, a brother country that saved our lives, I was sad and devastated. Now I arrived in Argentina, to continue fighting for the humblest and to unite the…

teleSUR (2020-11-11). Nicaragua Celebrates 75th Birthday of President Daniel Ortega. telesurenglish.net Nicaragua celebrates today the 75th birthday of President Daniel Ortega with hundreds of messages and best wishes that have flooded social networks from the early hours of the day. | In addition to the Nicaraguan people's congratulations, other heads of state and personalities have also congratulated him, such as Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. | RELATED: | "We wish you the best; you are a reference o…

Peoples Dispatch (2020-11-11). Tropical storm Eta moves towards Florida. peoplesdispatch.org According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), more than 2.5 million people from Panama to Belize have been affected by the tropical storm Eta…

teleSUR (2020-11-11). Costa Rica: Government's Multisectoral Dialogue Advances. telesurenglish.net Focused on fiscal and public debt management issues, the 7th session of the multisectoral dialogue convened by Costa Rica's government began on Wednesday. | RELATED: | Tax evasion, tax avoidance and fraud, and the management of state assets will be also included in the talks which seek to find solutions to the health, economic, and social crisis sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic. | "We hope that with the same sense of r…

teleSUR (2020-11-11). Evo Morales: 'We Are Now Millions'. telesurenglish.net Former Bolivia's President Evo Morales arrived in the city of Chimore in the department of Cochabamba this Wednesday, where just one year ago he was forced into exile by coup forces of the Bolivian right. | RELATED: | Addressing a cheerful crowd, Evo thanked the governments of Mexico and Argentina for their help and, especially, the workers' centers of the tropics that prevented the right-wing forces from m…

Media Lens (2020-11-11). Robert Fisk: Death of a "Controversial" Journalist. dissidentvoice.org Robert Fisk, the Independent's Middle East correspondent, died on 30 October aged 74. In reviewing his life and career, the newspaper for which he worked for more than two decades wrote of their star reporter: 'Much of what Fisk wrote was controversial…' As John Pilger noted, in describing Fisk's journalism as 'controversial' the Independent was …

teleSUR (2020-11-11). Belize Elections Kick Off Despite Flooding Caused by ETA. telesurenglish.net Belize general elections on Wednesday kick-off despite the severe flooding caused by Tropical Storm Eta in the last 48 hours. | RELATED: | "General elections will be held as scheduled, even though the country continues to recover from the ravages of the storm," Belize's Prime Minister Dean Barrow said. | Thousands of people in the coastal and southern areas have been affected by the severe flooding caused in the C…

teleSUR (2020-11-11). Costa Rica: President's Popularity Plummets as the Year Ends. telesurenglish.net The popularity of Costa Rica's President Carlos Alvarado has plummeted in 2020 as only 15 percent of the people consider his work in government as positive. It revealed a study published on Wednesday by the Center for Research and Political Studies of the University of Costa Rica (CIEP-UCR). | RELATED: | The survey shows that Alvarado's approval has descended to unprecedented levels for his administration, following a wave of s…

teleSUR (2020-11-11). Mexico: AMLO Seeks To Reform Housing Law To Support Workers. telesurenglish.net Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced a reform to the housing law that will allow over 40 million workers to access credits for their homes without intermediaries. | RELATED: | According to the authorities, this is "the largest financial inclusion reform that the country has had, in a country where financial inclusion is low." The reform seeks to provide workers with the freedom to buy a house or land "in their way."

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2020-11-11). Guatemala herida de muerte. indybay.org Guatemala herida de muerte …todo se utiliza como pretexto por el Estado para saquear y vulnerar…

teleSUR (2020-11-10). Cancun Police Shoot Down Feminist Protest in Mexico. telesurenglish.net Mexico's Police Monday shot down a feminist protest organized in Cancun to reject two women's femicides that took place last weekend. Police brutality left three reporters injured, one of them by gunshot. | RELATED: | Over 2,000 protesters attended the march against Quintana Roo State's femicides. The demonstrators marched to Cancun's Palacio Municipal. | Videos broadcasted on social networks showed how the police closed the entrance to…