2022-10-22: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2022-10-22). Non-Aligned Countries Mobilize To Demand US Answers About Military Biolabs. southfront.org Click to see full-size imageWashington violated international law by conducting illegal biological research. | Written by Gradually, international society is mobilizing to demand answers from the US about its involvement in criminal scientific activities. On October 18, Belarus, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Syria, and Russia invoked the Artic…

TeleSUR, YSM (2022-10-22). Prevén que tormenta Roslyn evolucione a huracán rumbo a México. telesurtv.net El temporal se ubica 305 kilómetros al sur de Manzanillo, Colima, y se desplaza a 11 kilómetros por hora.

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-10-22). Defienden proyecto sobre comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Costa Rica. telesurtv.net Bajo el lema "No hay nada que curar", más de 130 organizaciones defensoras de los derechos humanos exigieron a los diputados suprimir lo que consideran tortura.

_____ (2022-10-21). Indigenous Women Are Defending Weavings From Cultural Appropriation. popularresistance.org The vibrant colors of the Indigenous weavings from Guatemala that appear on the traditional blouses known as huipiles, skirts and other items hold a deep symbolic meaning for communities across the Central American country, but they are also deeply intertwined with the promotion of tourism in Guatemala. The intricate designs greet tourists in promotional material at the airport, and companies and non-government organizations have sought to capitalize on the designs. | For the last six years, Indigenous women have sought to challenge the exploitation of their sacred designs through the promotion of legislation tha…

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-10-21). Presidenta de Honduras sostiene encuentro con el papa Francisco. telesurtv.net En el encuentro, ambas parte dialogaron sobre el rol de la Iglesia en ámbitos como la educación y la sanidad.

TeleSUR, lvm, SH (2022-10-21). Estado mexicano de Tabasco aprueba el matrimonio igualitario. telesurtv.net Solo restan los estados de Guerrero y Tamaulipas para que las uniones entre parejas LGTBIQ+ sean contempladas por la ley mexicana.

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