Monthly Archives: May 2023

2023-05-27: News Headlines

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-05-26). Uruguay cae ante Inglaterra en Mundial sub-20 de fútbol. La selección de Honduras consiguió un empate ante su similar de Corea del Sur.

John Perry, Popular Resistance. (2023-05-26). Masaya In Flames — Five Years Afterwards. During the attempted coup in Nicaragua in 2018, Masaya was one of the cities most affected by the violence and by the widespread use of roadblocks to control the streets, many manned by armed youths. The violence began on April 18 and lasted until July 17, when police and Sandinista volunteers moved in to clear the roadblocks. Overall, in Masaya some 36 people died during the coup attempt, including three police officers (and two more were trapped and murdered after the coup attempt ended). Randall, the subject of this article, lives in Monimbó, the neighborhood or "barrio" where the violence in the city began.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-05-26). Policía de Nicaragua informa sobre detención de sacerdote. La institución dio a conocer que investiga al fraile Jaime Iván Montesinos Sauceda por cometer actos que menoscaban la independencia, la soberanía y la autodeterminación de la nación.

The Lancet (2023-05-27). Editorial] Childhood as a commodity: ending child labour. Children continue to be exposed to physical harm and denied education while toiling for long hours in the world's wealthiest nations. Children as young as 12 and 13 years have been engaged in labour involving midnight shifts, dangerous machinery, and punishing physical demands across industries supplying some of the USA's largest corporations according to a harrowing New York Times investigation. Most had migrated, unaccompanied, from central America. Uncertain of their immigration status and some indebted to traffickers, many considered dangerous labour safer than deportation.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-05-27). Monitorean actividad del volcán Rincón de la Vieja en Costa Rica. Los distritos de Dos Ríos y Aguas Claras del cantón de Upala, y Mayorga, Cañas Dulces y Curubandé del cantón Liberia están en alerta verde.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-05-26). Detienen a implicados en tragedia de estadio en El Salvador. Los organizadores decidieron comercializar boletos ilegalmente al agotarse las entradas para el encuentro deportivo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-05-27). Autoridades guatemaltecas detienen al exfiscal Stuardo Campo. El exfiscal anticorrupción aseguró a periodistas que su detención se debe a "una denuncia espuria" derivada de una "persecución política" en su contra.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-05-27). Excluyen de elecciones en Guatemala al candidato Carlos Pineda. La exclusión de Pineda viene a ser la tercera que ejecuta la Corte de Constitucionalidad contra aspirantes a la presidencia del Estado.

Andrés Cabanas (2023-05-26). Guatemala: Antes y después de las elecciones. Los 33 días que restan para el evento electoral pueden hacerse eternos. En esta campaña hablan muchos, se habla mucho y de muchas cuestiones, pero con una uniformidad -y vacío de propuesta- aplastante. | Miles de palabras e imágenes difundidas nos…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-05-26). Prevén lluvias e inundaciones en Guatemala. Según el Insivumeh, pueden registrarse acumulados de entre 75 y 100 milímetros en un corto lapso de tiempo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-05-27). México declara cero impunidad contra la violencia hacia las mujeres. El 70.1 por ciento de las mujeres de 15 años y más han vivido algún tipo de violencia al menos una vez en su vida en México.

teleSUR, SH (2023-05-27). Comisión de DD.HH. investigará asesinato de periodista mexicano. La CNDH, indicó que se comunicaron con la Comisión estatal para que presten atención a las investigaciones sobre el asesinato del periodista Marco Aurelio Ramírez Hernández.

Anand Naidoo (2023-05-26). The Heat: China-Mexico Cooperation. "Made in Mexico" takes on a new meaning for many Chinese companies who want to sell American consumers everything from furniture to electronics. In the wake of global supply chain issues during the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing trade war between the United States and …

Tamara Pearson (2023-05-26). Volcanic eruptions in Mexico and the dangers of fetishizing natural disasters in the Global South. On Sunday, I came home and washed the volcanic ash out of my hair. My eyes were irritated. I had to wash my clothes and shoes, too. You could see the ash falling in the streets of Puebla, in central Mexico, near the currently erupting Popocatépetl volcano. It looked like snow, but gray. The whole city was coated in light gray, from the roads and trees to the rooftops, benches, and bins. It was all mildly apocalyptic. | Ash from the volcano has been falling heavily for a few weeks now, but Sunday was much worse. Nevertheless, many people still had to work outside all day, despite the hazards. The fish and veget…

Iván Martínez Ojeda (2023-05-26). Microsismos y crisis ecológica en la Ciudad de México. Ante los recientes sismos con epicentro en la Ciudad de México, el jefe del Sistema Sismológico Nacional (SSM), Arturo Iglesias Mendoza, declaró que no hay relación alguna entre los microsismos y la actividad humana. | "El origen de los sismos está…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-05-26). México reporta 23 casos de meningitis en clínicas privadas. La Comisión Federal Contra Riesgos Sanitarios (Cofepris) realiza la investigación de medicamentos y establecimientos.

2023-05-27 11:26:08 | 11:26 EST | tr | 18 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 

2023-05-26: News Headlines

teleSUR, MER (2023-05-25). Realizan homenaje a periodistas en Honduras. La presidenta de Honduras destacó que los periodistas homenajeados son profesionales y de reconocida personalidad.

John Perry, Popular Resistance. (2023-05-26). Masaya In Flames — Five Years Afterwards. During the attempted coup in Nicaragua in 2018, Masaya was one of the cities most affected by the violence and by the widespread use of roadblocks to control the streets, many manned by armed youths. The violence began on April 18 and lasted until July 17, when police and Sandinista volunteers moved in to clear the roadblocks. Overall, in Masaya some 36 people died during the coup attempt, including three police officers (and two more were trapped and murdered after the coup attempt ended). Randall, the subject of this article, lives in Monimbó, the neighborhood or "barrio" where the violence in the city began.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-05-26). Policía de Nicaragua informa sobre detención de sacerdote. La institución dio a conocer que investiga al fraile Jaime Iván Montesinos Sauceda por cometer actos que menoscaban la independencia, la soberanía y la autodeterminación de la nación.

teleSUR, MER (2023-05-25). Presidente Ortega: se está configurando una nueva realidad en el mundo. El mandatario aseveró que Rusia y China son los grandes conductores para fortalecer los otros frentes que se han venido desarrollando.

The Lancet (2023-05-27). Editorial] Childhood as a commodity: ending child labour. Children continue to be exposed to physical harm and denied education while toiling for long hours in the world's wealthiest nations. Children as young as 12 and 13 years have been engaged in labour involving midnight shifts, dangerous machinery, and punishing physical demands across industries supplying some of the USA's largest corporations according to a harrowing New York Times investigation. Most had migrated, unaccompanied, from central America. Uncertain of their immigration status and some indebted to traffickers, many considered dangerous labour safer than deportation.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-05-26). Detienen a implicados en tragedia de estadio en El Salvador. Los organizadores decidieron comercializar boletos ilegalmente al agotarse las entradas para el encuentro deportivo.

teleSUR (2023-05-25). El Salvador: Alleged Involved In Cuscatlán Stampede Arrested. El Salvador's Public Prosecutor's Office (FGR) announced the arrest of five people accused of being responsible for a stampede at the Cuscatlán soccer stadium in the capital. Twelve people died, and a hundred were injured on May 20. | RELATED: | Those arrested early Thursday morning are the president of the local Alianza Fútbol Club team, Pedro Hernández, the team's security manager, Edwin Abarca Ventura, the club…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-05-26). Prevén lluvias e inundaciones en Guatemala. Según el Insivumeh, pueden registrarse acumulados de entre 75 y 100 milímetros en un corto lapso de tiempo.

Andrés Cabanas (2023-05-26). Guatemala: Antes y después de las elecciones. Los 33 días que restan para el evento electoral pueden hacerse eternos. En esta campaña hablan muchos, se habla mucho y de muchas cuestiones, pero con una uniformidad -y vacío de propuesta- aplastante. | Miles de palabras e imágenes difundidas nos…

teleSUR (2023-05-25). El Salvador: Alleged Involved In Cuscatlán Stampede Arrested. El Salvador's Public Prosecutor's Office (FGR) announced the arrest of five people accused of being responsible for a stampede at the Cuscatlán soccer stadium in the capital. Twelve people died, and a hundred were injured on May 20. | RELATED: | Those arrested early Thursday morning are the president of the local Alianza Fútbol Club team, Pedro Hernández, the team's security manager, Edwin Abarca Ventura, the club…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-05-26). Prevén lluvias e inundaciones en Guatemala. Según el Insivumeh, pueden registrarse acumulados de entre 75 y 100 milímetros en un corto lapso de tiempo.

Andrés Cabanas (2023-05-26). Guatemala: Antes y después de las elecciones. Los 33 días que restan para el evento electoral pueden hacerse eternos. En esta campaña hablan muchos, se habla mucho y de muchas cuestiones, pero con una uniformidad -y vacío de propuesta- aplastante. | Miles de palabras e imágenes difundidas nos…

teleSUR, JDO (2023-05-25). Alertan sobre irregularidades en proceso electoral de Guatemala. Organizaciones de la sociedad civil critican la irresponsabilidad de partidos políticos e incumplimientos de las autoridades electorales.

Anand Naidoo (2023-05-26). The Heat: China-Mexico Cooperation. "Made in Mexico" takes on a new meaning for many Chinese companies who want to sell American consumers everything from furniture to electronics. In the wake of global supply chain issues during the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing trade war between the United States and …

Franc Contreras (2023-05-25). Active volcano near Mexico City spewing lava, ash and rocks. The giant Popocatepetl volcano stands over 5,400 meters tall. Its eruptions are sending volcanic ash and rocks high into the sky, and threatening hundreds of thousands of residents living near the volcano. See the latest.

teleSUR, nama, YSM (2023-05-25). Mantienen alerta amarilla fase 3 por volcán Popocatépetl en México. Protección Civil reiteró llamado a la población a seguir recomendaciones de autoridades a través de medios oficiales.

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Series of Earthquakes Hit Panama-Colombia Border. On evening Wednesday, May 24th, at approximately 10: 05 pm local time, an earthquake struck the Gulf of Darien near the border of Panama and Colombia and a second followed. Tremors felt across both countries. | Related: | As reported by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a first earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter Scale struck the Gulf of Darien near the border of Panama and Colombia and Nine minutes…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-05-25). Terremoto sacude la frontera entre Panamá y Colombia. "Aclaramos que, de acuerdo con la Autoridad Marítima colombiana, este sismo no representa amenaza de tsunami", indicó el Servicio Geológico.

2023-05-26 03:49:28 | 03:49 EST | tr | 22 | 0 | 9 | 8 | 1