Monthly Archives: May 2023

2023-05-25: News Headlines

teleSUR, MER (2023-05-25). Realizan homenaje a periodistas en Honduras. La presidenta de Honduras destacó que los periodistas homenajeados son profesionales y de reconocida personalidad.

teleSUR, MER (2023-05-25). Presidente Ortega: se está configurando una nueva realidad en el mundo. El mandatario aseveró que Rusia y China son los grandes conductores para fortalecer los otros frentes que se han venido desarrollando.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-05-25). Alertan sobre irregularidades en proceso electoral de Guatemala. Organizaciones de la sociedad civil critican la irresponsabilidad de partidos políticos e incumplimientos de las autoridades electorales.

teleSUR (2023-05-24). Guatemala: Observers Warn of Irregularities in Next Elections. On Tuesday, the Guatemalan Electoral Observation Mission (MOE-GT), a consortium of civil society organizations, warned that the ongoing electoral process is losing legitimacy due to multiple irregularities and arbitrariness. | RELATED: | More specifically, the MOE-GT highlighted that last-minute legal actions taken against some candidates generate a critical situation, "which we have reached due to the irresponsib…

teleSUR, nama, YSM (2023-05-25). Mantienen alerta amarilla fase 3 por volcán Popocatépetl en México. Protección Civil reiteró llamado a la población a seguir recomendaciones de autoridades a través de medios oficiales.

ARG Medios (2023-05-24). Boluarte isolates herself even further and declares López Obrador persona non grata. This Monday, May 22, the Peruvian Congress declared the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, persona non grata. AMLO is the second head of state to be repudiated by the Peruvian legislature, with Colombian president Gustavo Petro having The public statements made by both presidents regarding the political and social situation in Peru is the major factor in provoking the designations. In February, the Colombian president had remarked that th…

teleSUR (2023-05-24). Texas Sues the Biden Administration Over New Asylum Rule. On Tuesday, the state of Texas filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden's administration over a newly-introduced asylum rule allowing migrants to set up appointments at the U.S.-Mexico border via a phone app so as to seek asylum in the United States. | RELATED: | "The Biden Administration deliberately conceived of this phone app with the goal of illegally pre-approving more foreign aliens to enter the country…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-05-24). President Obrador insists on attacking the causes of migration. Mexico City, May 24 (Prensa Latina) Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Wednesday stressed on the importance of solving the migratory exodus by attacking its causes and not just focusing on the effects.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-05-25). Terremoto sacude la frontera entre Panamá y Colombia. "Aclaramos que, de acuerdo con la Autoridad Marítima colombiana, este sismo no representa amenaza de tsunami", indicó el Servicio Geológico.

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Series of Earthquakes Hit Panama-Colombia Border. On evening Wednesday, May 24th, at approximately 10: 05 pm local time, an earthquake struck the Gulf of Darien near the border of Panama and Colombia and a second followed. Tremors felt across both countries. | Related: | As reported by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a first earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter Scale struck the Gulf of Darien near the border of Panama and Colombia and Nine minutes…

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Two Earthquakes Shake Panama-Colombia Border. On evening Wednesday, May 24th, at approximately 10: 05 pm local time, an earthquake struck the Gulf of Darien near the border of Panama and Colombia and a second followed. Tremors felt across both countries. | Related: | As reported by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a first earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter Scale struck the Gulf of Darien near the border of Panama and Colombia and Nine minutes…

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Two Earthquakes Shake Panama-Colombia Border. On evening Wednesday, May 24th, at approximately 10: 05 pm local time, an earthquake struck the Gulf of Darien near the border of Panama and Colombia and a second followed. Tremors felt across both countries. | Related: | As reported by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a first earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter Scale struck the Gulf of Darien near the border of Panama and Colombia and Nine minutes…

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2023-05-24: News Headlines

Marc Steiner, Bret Gustafson (2023-05-23). 'For us, extractivism is lethal': The ongoing colonial violence of resource extraction in Latin America. From the defeat of the coup government in Bolivia, the election of Xiomara Castro in Honduras, and the rise of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico, to the historic election of Gustavo Petro in Colombia and the return of Lula in Brazil, left-leaning governments are changing the political landscape of Latin America. However, even more progressive parties and ruling coalitions have failed to rein in the violence of the resource extraction economy and the domineering power of international capital flowing through mining, drilling, and deforestation operations across the hemisphere. Indigenous and environmenta…

teleSUR (2023-05-23). Director Of TeleSur To Receive Journalism Award In Honduras. Patricia Villegas, Colombian journalist and director of the TeleSUR network, will receive this Wednesday, May 24, one of the "Mártires de la Resistencia" journalism awards from the hands of the President of Honduras, Xiomara Castro. | Related: | During the gala, Villegas will receive the "Wendy àÅvila" award, in honor of the young woman who dedicated herself to the struggle against the coup d'état against Manuel Zelaya…

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-05-24). ONU rechaza renovación del régimen de excepción en El Salvador. "El gobierno no puede pisotear el derecho a un juicio justo en nombre de la seguridad pública", señaló el informe.

teleSUR (2023-05-24). Guatemala: Observers Warn of Irregularities in Next Elections. On Tuesday, the Guatemalan Electoral Observation Mission (MOE-GT), a consortium of civil society organizations, warned that the ongoing electoral process is losing legitimacy due to multiple irregularities and arbitrariness. | RELATED: | More specifically, the MOE-GT highlighted that last-minute legal actions taken against some candidates generate a critical situation, "which we have reached due to the irresponsib…

teleSUR, JDO (2023-05-24). Alertan sobre irregularidades en proceso electoral de Guatemala. Organizaciones de la sociedad civil critican la irresponsabilidad de partidos políticos e incumplimientos de las autoridades electorales.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-05-24). Operativo policial captura a 32 pandilleros en Guatemala. Según fuentes policiales la mayoría de los detenidos serían presuntos integrantes de la pandilla Mara Salvatrucha y del Barrio 18.

teleSUR, nama, SH (2023-05-24). Argentina derrota a Guatemala en Mundial de Fútbol Sub-20. Con el triunfo ante Guatemala, la selección argentina se ubica en el primer puesto del grupo A con seis puntos.

Daniel Kersffeld (2023-05-23). Ucrania intenta una contraofensiva política en Latinoamérica. Con la presentación del canciller Dmitró Kuleba, invitado estelar de la IXa Cumbre de Jefes de Estados y/o Gobierno de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC), realizada en Guatemala del 8 al 12 de mayo, comenzó formalmente la contraofensiva…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-05-24). President Obrador insists on attacking the causes of migration. Mexico City, May 24 (Prensa Latina) Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Wednesday stressed on the importance of solving the migratory exodus by attacking its causes and not just focusing on the effects.

teleSUR (2023-05-24). Texas Sues the Biden Administration Over New Asylum Rule. On Tuesday, the state of Texas filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden's administration over a newly-introduced asylum rule allowing migrants to set up appointments at the U.S.-Mexico border via a phone app so as to seek asylum in the United States. | RELATED: | "The Biden Administration deliberately conceived of this phone app with the goal of illegally pre-approving more foreign aliens to enter the country…

ARG Medios (2023-05-24). Boluarte isolates herself even further and declares López Obrador persona non grata. This Monday, May 22, the Peruvian Congress declared the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, persona non grata. AMLO is the second head of state to be repudiated by the Peruvian legislature, with Colombian president Gustavo Petro having The public statements made by both presidents regarding the political and social situation in Peru is the major factor in provoking the designations. In February, the Colombian president had remarked that th…

teleSUR, SH (2023-05-24). Asesinan a tiros a periodista en estado mexicano de Puebla. El periodista de 69 años fue atacado por un grupo de hombres armados cuando viajaba en su automóvil en la ciudad de Tehuacán.

Fight Back (2023-05-23). FRSO Political Program now available in Spanish. The Spanish translation of the political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization is now available as a paperback book. We hope that this new translation will help to bring revolutionary ideas to a wider audience, including the Chicano liberation and immigrant rights movement. | FRSO is an organization that recognizes the existence of the Chicano nation of Aztlán and sees its struggle for liberation as an important part of our strategy for revolution in the United States. The introduction to our program states, | "In 1846, the U.S. launched a war that resulted in the theft of northern Mexico and the exten…

Gerardo Villagrán del Corral (2023-05-23). øPara quién espía en México el software espía israelí Pegasus? El subsecretario de Derechos Humanos, Población y Migración de la Secretaría mexicana de Gobernación, Alejandro Encinas, fue espiado en repetidas ocasiones: su teléfono celular fue infectado varias veces con el software espía israelí Pegasus, incluso el año pasado, cuando estaba…

Final Straw (2023-05-23). Final Straw: Mutual Aid At The Border in Tijuana with El Comedor. Long-running anarchist radio and podcast show The Final Straw speaks with El Comedor, an anarchist mutual aid project based out of Tijuana, Mexico. Listen and Download HERE This week, we're sharing a recent chat with Devi Machete, an anarchist involved in the Tijuana mutual aid project known as Contra Viento y Marea Comedor which distributes…

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-05-24). Arranca juicio a expresidente panameño Martinelli por corrupción. El exmandatario y otras 19 personas son juzgados en el caso "New Business", abierto por el Ministerio Público en 2017.

2023-05-24 23:50:29 | 23:50 EST | tr | 18 | 0 | 6 | 10 | 0